Our students experience a caring environment, daily high expectations, and a culture that promotes success. We believe in our students!

Can special needs students attend the Dayton Business Technology High School?

Yes. Accommodations consistent with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) will be made.

How many students attend the Dayton Business Technology High School?

The DBTHS current enrollment is around 100 students.

How do students gain admission to the Dayton Business Technology High School?

The DBTHS has an ongoing enrollment period; seating is available based upon the number of open positions for each grade each school year.

Mental Health Therapy

At Dayton Business Technology High School, our mental health therapy services offer students a safe and confidential environment to discuss their personal and emotional challenges. These services typically include individual mental health therapy sessions, where students can work through issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress management with a licensed mental health therapist. Additionally, group therapy sessions provide peer support and foster a sense of community among students facing similar difficulties. Our school mental health therapist also collaborates with teachers and parents to develop comprehensive support plans, ensuring the holistic well-being of each student.