Our Career Tech Classes help to define the knowledge and skills students need in order to be successful in a given career field.

  • Marketing

    Educational programs in marketing management prepare learners for careers requiring broad, cross-functional knowledge of marketing and management. These functions include supply-chain management, marketing-information management, pricing, product/service management, marketing communications, and selling.

  • Business Management

    Based on a sequence of courses, students will be able to plan, organize, direct, and evaluate all or part of a business organization (including their own) through the allocation and use of financial, human and material resources. Activities in which they are engaged include project management, business analysis, quality control, scheduling, procurement and warehousing, and activities related to staffing.

Class of 2024 

After graduation, Corday will be attending UD Sinclair Academy.

Corday enjoys working out in his free time.

When asked “ How did DBTHS help you?”, Corday replied,

Student Highlight

Corday Hardy

The staff helped me a lot, they really prepared me for the world

Can you see yourself at DBTHS?